Emotional Healing Blends

Our blends are made to provide post treatment and between-treatment support. They are created specific to the trapped emotions released during a healing session. Our blends will provide added support as emotions are released from your body and temporarily generate feelings and behaviors.

The blends offered at Compass Rose can be used pro-actively, as well. Spiritual Connection, Inspiration, Wisdom and Guidance is something we can all use and often! A blend to boost immunity is a good tool for seasonal use, as well as for setting effective boundaries.

Anxiety - At Ease

anxiety flower essence spray

Calms the stress of daily life and your responsibilities, enabling you to stay centered. You can think clearly and focus on your purpose.

4Fl. oz. - $30.00

Comforted - Centered - Tranquility

Aspire - Inspiration & Manifestation

aspire flower essence spray

Freely express yourself knowing you are accepted and your creativity is appreciated. Channel your emotional intensity toward positive gains.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Expressive - Purposeful - Visionary

Autoimmune - Healthy Responses

autoimmune flower essence spray

Allows you to freely co-exist with others in your environment, safely shielded from toxins and over-stimulation.

4Fl. oz. - $30.00

Perceptive - Protected - Energized

Belief Work - Believe In You

belief work flower essence spray

Calmed senses and personal peace let you move forward to reach your highest potential. This new awareness gives you the courage to act.

4Fl. oz. - $27.00

Peace - Nurture - Divinity

Betrayal - Self Devotion

betrayal flower essence spray

Recover from emotional shock and resist the urge to blame yourself. Remain open to receiving love and support from others.

4Fl. oz. - $21.00

Grace - Restoration - Contentment

Boundaries - Your Space

boundaries flower essence spray

Be the guardian of your personal peace by creating clear and strong boundaries. Clearly communicate your expectations.

4Fl. oz. - $25.00

Sanctuary - Harmony - Respected

Codependency - Healthy Relationships

codependency flower essence spray

Value yourself for who you are, not how others see you or your relationships to others. Have compassion for yourself and others.

4Fl. oz. - $21.00

Peace - Nurture - Divinity

Depression - Cheer Up

depression flower essence spray

Rediscover your curiosity and enthusiasm, allowing yourself to celebrate life. Reveal your true being and share your gifts with others.

4Fl. oz. - $21.00

Enthusiasm - Light - Resilience

Empowered Feminine - I Am Woman

empowerment flower essence spray

Discover strong, yet compassionate, soft feminine energy. Intentionally voice what you want from yourself and others.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Intention - Soft - Capable

Enlightenment - On Path

enlightenment flower essence spray

We all need to lighten our "load" of burden, regret and more. This blend will help you reset your vibration and gain liftoff.

4Fl. oz. - $30.00

Ascend - Ease - Graceful

Fear - Courage & Fortitude

fear flower essence spray

Fear melts away, giving you the strength to act despite how difficult it may be. Using your personal power, transform that which you fear most.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Possibility - Fearless - Power

Forgiveness - A Heart Renewed

forgiveness flower essence spray

Simple but not easy! This blend will set your vibration at a level to depersonalize and let go of your wounds and be free from your past.

4Fl. oz. - $30.00

Solace - Fairness - Sincerity

Free At Last - Childhood Abuse

childhood abuse flower essence spray

Heals deep wounds that impede your soul's journey. Feel safe in your body with a courageous heart and radiate love.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Innocence - Joy - Forgiveness

Fresh Start - Finding Joy

finding joy flower essence spray

Enthusiastically engage in new adventures and relationships. Cherish the magic in each moment with gratitude and enthusiasm.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Vitality - Possibility - Renewal

Grounding - Gaia Connection

grounding flower essence spray

Become grounded in Mother Earth and at home in your body. This blend will help you to center and connect with Divine Love - Gaia.

4Fl. oz. - $21.00

Centered - Unfailing - True

Heart and Mind - Soul Connection

heart mind flower essence spray

Resist outside distractions and support your body/mind connection with the Spirit. Clear your heart and breathe in Universal joy!

4Fl. oz. - $25.00

Connections - Purity - Experience

Higher Altitudes - 5th Dimensional Living

higher altitudes flower essence spray

When we feel great and are in touch with our Higher Self, we are at peace. Set intention and maintain altitude with this blend.

4Fl. oz. - $24.00

Radiant - Sensory - Vibrant

Letting Go - Self Love

letting go flower essence spray

Enjoy the confidence to live fully engaged. Encourage gentle peace and open-hearted self love while staying grounded.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Compassion - Calm - Purpose

Loving Embrace - Deep Emotional Wounds

letting go flower essence spray

Acknowledge your past emotional trauma and embody the lessons they offer, using them as fuel for spiritual growth. Live free!

4Fl. oz. - $25.00

Freedom - Emerge - Triumph

Manifesting - Creativity

creativity flower essence spray

Intense spirituality aligns with intention to light the pathways for your creative process. Clearly envision what you want to create.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Clarity - Inspiration - Action

Oneness - Spiritual Connection

spiritual connection flower essence spray

Feel the spirit in everything around you. Transcend Self and seek Oneness with all by honoring their spirit as having a human experience.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Awakened - Unity - Divine

Peace - Releasing Anger

peace flower essence spray

Buried negative emotions transform into motivation for change. Release old anger and align your heart with your life purpose.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Patience - Growth - Truth

Relax and Center - Depression & Anxiety

relax and center flower essence spray

Unburden yourself from feeling pressured and rushed by the demands of others. Calmly process your emotions and worries.

4Fl. oz. - $25.00

Assurance - Encouragement - Ease

Sense of Self - Low Self Esteem

self esteem flower essence spray

Silence your internal critic and gain forgiveness and self-worth. Let go of self images that weaken your energies and foster dis-ease.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Awareness - Pride - Respect

Sensory Living - Wisdom & Guidance

wisdom guidance flower essence spray

Restores access to ancestral wisdom and directly receiving information from the spiritual realms. Become more inquisitive and insightful.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Intuitive - Grateful - Ethereal

Sleep - Rest Well

letting go flower essence spray

End your day feeling lighthearted and grounded. Clear away the stress and worries of your day so you can relax into a deep, peaceful sleep.

4Fl. oz. - $21.00

Serenity - Safety - Relaxation

Spiritual Growth - I Am

letting go flower essence spray

Your heart is aligned with the Universal heart and all is in order. Delight in nature and let Divine Love blossom in your life.

4Fl. oz. - $30.00


Delight - Nurture - Divinity

Tolerance - Unconditional Love

tolerance flower essence spray

Rise above holding grudge, gain the perspective to forgive and allow yourself to be forgiven. Be consistent with those you love.

4Fl. oz. - $23.00

Elevated - Peaceful - Radiant

Transcendence - Sorrow & Despair

sorrow despair flower essence spray

Transform sorrow and despair into open-hearted love. Release past wounds, clear out emotional residue and reveal the true nature of joy.

4Fl. oz. - $25.00

Hope - Optimism - Joy

Wellness - Boosts Immunity

immunity flower essence spray

Strength for your depleted immune system and resilience during life's shocks and traumas. Harmonizes and balances your body's needs.

4Fl. oz. - $27.00

Strength - Resilience - Energy