Holistic Treatments
Our goal is Whole Being Wellness - physical, emotional, and spiritual health through Magnified Healing®, Angelic Reiki, Massage, and other healing modalities.
We are honored to be part of your healing path and to compliment any medical care you may be receiving. We welcome people facing health challenges including cancer, depression, diabetes, chronic pain, etc. and will work in concert with your choices and the recommendations made by your physician.
Source Healing
Pure, Unfiltered Source Healing at Compass Rose Healing Arts

Source Healing is the manifestation of many years of hands-on practice with an intention to channel pure healing to our clients. There are many named modalities and we teach some at Compass Rose, including Magnified Healing and Angelic Reiki. The truth is that we are all different in our healing abilities, and the time invested to "get out of ones way" to be heart-centered and source-connected is key to effective healing regardless of the modality.
We do not claim Source Healing as a specific modality, nor do we claim it as ours. We are channels for Source to stream pure life force energy through us and to you for the most appropriate healing provided with love, grace and gratitude.
We are channels for Source Healing for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing. We will channel guidance from Source to you when insight is available for you, and for your highest good.
We are able to connect with Source consciousness and receive appropriate guidance for our clients be it during a healing or in general conversation, and often during our classes while teaching. We are aware we do not work alone. We are grateful to be of service to All, and humbled to serve you in your quest for healing and rejuvenation. Welcome to your greatest potential.
Initial Session - $145.00 | Follow ups - 60 Minute Sessions $98.00 -- 90 Minute Sessions &145.00
BioCharger NG

The BioCharger NG is the only health optimization platform of its kind. The BioCharger NG is a combination of outside energy sources that replicate, optimize, and amplify nature’s energies. These transmitted energies have been proven to restore strength, stamina, coordination, and mental clarity.
The BioCharger NG utilizes four different energy types – Light, Voltage, Frequencies & Harmonics, and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs). As individual energies, each has its fair share of supported research, however, the BioCharger NG is the first energy platform of its kind to incorporate all four of these beneficial energies into one platform.
The BioCharger NG is a game changer for life’s challenges, health issues, and spiritual aspirations for healing and ascension purposes. We have the pleasure of witnessing healing on so many levels for so many beautiful Souls. The BioCharger NG is a healing modality that complements our hands-on healing and mentoring programs at Compass Rose Healing Arts. Call our office to schedule a personalized consultation including our BioWell evaluation system. We look forward to serving you and yours. ~~ Stacia
You can find more information about the BioCharger NG, private sessions, remote sessions, and the packages we offer here .
Massage Therapy

We are so grateful to welcome Dan Naccarato to our Compass Rose family. Dan brings special gifts, intuitive awareness, and integrity that we have searched for with an eye on our future as a growing practice. After training with us, Dan now joins our classes as an Angelic Reiki teacher, mentor, and guide during our trainings and our Reiki Shares and also as a co-teacher in our Magnified Healing® workshops.
You can read more about Dan here
60 Minute Sessions - $98.00 | 90 Minute Sessions - $145.00 | 120 Minute Sessions - $195.00
Pet Healing w/BioCharger NG

When our beloved pets are in pain or are feeling anxious, we want to do anything we can to help them. From the comfort of home, your furry friend will receive the energies channeled remotely by our practitioners. With you by their side, foster a deep connection as you embark on this journey of restoration together, witnessing their steps toward renewed strength and vibrant health.
Your practitioner will start the session with a phone consultation to discuss your pet's needs and determine which BioCharger sessions are best for your pet. After channelling the BioCharger energies, the practitioner will follow up with you about the session.
60 Minute Sessions with Tenzin Choedon - $115.00
Soul Guidance & Sacred Mentoring™

A personal Soul Guidance and Sacred Mentoring™ session is held within a Sacred space opened and held for divine protection, grace and assistance. Each session is uniquely different according to intention set within a specific template. Each of us has Guides supporting our Soul's earth journey and the loving guidance and healing support of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and enlightened beings including those of Goddess energy.
The template opened and held by Stacia is the space through which Guidance brings insight and healing. By her natural intuitive abilities and heightened skills gained from years of experience as an empathic healer, Stacia shares guidance given for the client. The mentoring and guidance provided by Stacia brings peaceful resolution to her clients while providing inspiration and new pathways for a happy and productive life.
Often, Stacia will refer a client for a session theme and a specific purpose. On other occasions, the choices are made upon an initial consultation set for a Soul Guidance and Sacred Mentoring™ session.
Stacia's intuitive skill provides a creative and meaningful setting where no two sessions are alike. Clients are encouraged to experience Soul Guidance and Sacred Mentoring™ sessions regularly for continued spiritual growth and holistic health.
More information here
Individual Sessions - $155.00 | Private Group Sessions Available
Recent Feedback for Soul Guidance & Sacred Mentoring
"I really feel like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. I feel like the Soul Guidance Sacred Mentoring™ Session was a pivotal point in my life. The severe and chronic pain I experienced prior to this session is gone. Thank you and much love and light." - CP, Spokane"I had an AMAZING session with Stacia last night. I’ve been dealing with headaches and migraines almost daily for probably well over a year now. It’s getting bad and doing everything I can all naturally, including Angelic Reiki, Crystal healing, Chiropractic, sitting out in the sun for Vit D, CBD oil, and I even quit my stressful job and recently started to eliminate inflammatory foods from my diet. Everything I was doing, all the natural remedies have helped to dull the pain so I can function each day and I am very grateful for that but it hasn’t taken away the pain and over a year of daily pain is very frustrating. Stacia reached out to me after seeing my frustrated post on Facebook and I AM SO GLAD SHE DID!! I knew the session had worked because my pain was almost gone by the end of our session and I was exhausted. I woke up 100% pain free this morning. Stacia explained it great to me by saying sometimes we have so much going on that it’s hard for us to fully take care of everything ourselves. I’m a healer but I needed help. She gave me great tips and it was such a peaceful and loving session. I will definitely call upon Stacia or Compass Rose if I find myself treading water like I have been doing this past year! We don’t always have to do it all by ourselves! THANK YOU STACIA!!!" - CC, Oxford MA
Magnified Healing®

This healing method fills with perfection the physical and subtle bodies. In treating the subtle bodies, old thought forms, habits, and belief systems are released and new patterns are stabilized, and actively sealed by the Golden Christ Energy.
Sessions are scheduled at Compass Rose and provided on site or remotely. There may be times when additional sessions are required to address a current need or intention. For example, when working with a client with an imbalance of cancer or an auto immune disease, sessions may be needed to clear the foundational reason for the imbalance.
Magnified Healing® sessions are very helpful for acute mental, emotional or physical issues. A physical injury, a recurring migraine headache or acute anxiety can be addressed on a "day of" basis. Call our office when a need arises and we will do our best to schedule you right away.
Regardless of where we meet you - on site or remotely - Magnified Healing® is profound and meaningful experience.
Remote Magnified Healing® appointments will begin with a phone consultation. The client is advised to rest during the session. At the end of the session, there will be a follow up phone call.
You can find more information about Magnified Healing® sessions and workshops here
Initial Session - $145.00 | Follow ups - 60 Minute Sessions $98.00 -- 90 Minute Sessions &145.00
Angelic Reiki

An Angelic Reiki session - with one of our certified Angelic Reiki Master/Teachers, includes personal coaching, setting of intention, and deep energy healing.
Much more than a healing modality, Angelic Reiki is a profound, very high frequency, multidimensional system of healing and consciousness expansion that is developmental on many levels.
What sets Angelic Reiki healing apart is the pure Divine vibration that is stepped down through the Angelic Kingdom during a treatment to focus powerfully on root causes. Each person responds to the Divine vibration in accordance with their own level of development, and the healing vibration feels noticeably different to that of any other modality.
Initial Session - $145.00 | Follow ups - 60 Minute Sessions $98.00 -- 90 Minute Sessions &145.00
Lucia Light Therapy

Each session with the Lucia N°03 is a unique journey within. Colors, shapes and patterns dance behind closed eyelids; a kaleidoscope of light unfolds. Alongside this beautiful visual journey, the body begins to let go and deeply relax. Visionary journeys, healing memories and deeper understandings can emerge. The brain waves synchronize with the flickering light, creating coherence and ultimately finding its own harmonic expression. The Lucia N°03 grows with you: from resetting the nervous system and lowering the baseline levels of stress during intense periods, to opening the space for peak experiences, to inspiring creativity and compassion and even accessing flow states more regularly.
90-Minute Guided Session - $155.00
More information here
Crystal Therapy with Angelic Reiki

Why crystals and why now? Now more than ever, crystals carry the message that speaks to our soul, our DNA and our human-ness to guide us into this new Golden Age. The perfect crystal, or crystals, the perfect grid, the perfect theme for your healing will be determined at the beginning of your session.
Combined with the skills and experience of our practitioners, and the modality of Angelic Reiki, the crystal energy will contribute to an environment and create a healing experience for your best and highest good as set forth in an intention.
Initial Session - $145.00 | Follow ups - 60 Minute Sessions $98.00 -- 90 Minute Sessions &145.00
Spiritual Counseling & Empowerment Sessions

We welcome many people seeking drug-free alternatives to traditional mental therapies, including mental health therapists and other health care providers. Pharmaceutical therapies work for some, but those who are spiritually blocked will require something very different to treat depression and anxiety. The search for meaning is for everyone and shouldn’t be avoided. Depression and anxiety can be healed with empowering support and Source Healing provided by Compass Rose practitioners.
Life presents opportunities for growth everyday. We are here to enhance the potential your life experiences offer to heal past and present conditions, and alter your future. Life presents "the same" because we haven’t changed our patterns. Our approach provides an intuitive means of listening, counseling and empowering to create new beginnings and long-term positive lifestyles.
Sessions provided by Compass Rose Healing Arts professionals - Stacia Zadra & Daniel Naccarato
Sacred Empaths, Sacred Alchemists & intuitive Healers
More information here
Available Remotely or In-Person
Cost Per Session - $145.00
Angelic Reiki for Kids

Our youth are now surrounded by far more toxins, ailments and adult choices than ever. Reiki is a liberating way to light the path for our future leaders. When started at a younger age, Reiki can set the tone for a life of well-being and empowerment for your child.
Reiki works on all levels of the mind, body, and spirit; and can aid all ages and stages. It is gentle enough to work on the most tender and tiniest of beings, and packs enough energy to soothe some of the most difficult situations. Because it is balancing, Reiki will naturally flow to the areas that need it most and gently recede when the areas are balanced.
More information here
Initial Session - $145.00 | Follow ups - 60 Minute Sessions $98.00 -- 90 Minute Sessions &145.00
Axiatonal Alignment

At some point humanity became disconnected from the planetary and axiatonal grid lines, causing the loss of "our inherent connection to the Universe, our multidimensional selves; causing distance, separation from our Source, our Higher Self, each other and the Cosmos." An axiatonal alignment is a realignment of our personal energy field to that of the planet and the universe by reconnecting the body's axiatonal lines, also known as meridian lines, to those that exist in all of creation. The axiatonal alignment clears out any blockages in our axiatonal grid system and then essentially plugs the body back into the planetary and universal energy flow.
When an axiatonal alignment takes place, the axiatonal lines within the body are reattached to those within the earth and the universe, which realigns us with all of creation here on earth and in the cosmos. This gives us access not only to all of the information stored in the "web of pure intelligence," but an unrestricted flow of Source energy, should we call upon it for use.
Once an axiatonal alignment has been performed, our everyday lives will begin to reflect our divine reconnection to all that is.
The complete axiatonal alignment requires two sessions. The initial sessions clears out the energy system, removing blockages and opening all of the body's axiatonal lines. The second session deepens and strengthens the reestablished flow of energy and then reconnects the axiatonal lines to the planetary and cosmic grids.
You can read more here here
Axiatonal Alignment (2 Sessions) - $175.00 | Remote Axiatonal Alignment (2 Sessions Prepaid) - $195.00
Continuing Care - Chakra Clearing is a Soul Healing

Our chakras are a key component to our non-physical energy system. Chakras contain our Soul's history including the parts of our current life and past lives that need both acute and ongoing clearing. When our chakras become overloaded we can feel heavy, anxious and/or depressed.
Chakras that are "stuck" can be better understood as containing trapped emotions. Trapped emotions are unfinished business that is most often ours, and sometimes the emotions belonging to other people in our lives. There are times when we take on the emotions of others to "help" another person we care about, or to control a situation and create "safety" for ourselves.
Our Souls are over-lighting our human experience. Just as our personality selves enjoy a Reiki session or other means of bodywork, our Soul benefits from regular Reiki sessions to maintain a clear energy field.
Continuing care, including Magnified Healing®, Soul Guidance & Sacred Mentoring™, and Angelic Reiki, is encouraged for anyone seeking to attain and maintain a vibration that ensures living life with grace and ease.
More information here
While our treatments are completely safe, work well with and complement traditional medicine, we do not diagnose or dispense medical advice. None of the processes nor the advice you receive here are intended to be a substitute or replace conventional medicine and the advice of your treating doctor. Always consult your physician.