"In a crystal, we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being." - Nikola Tesla
Why Crystals, Why Now?
Our individual and collective vibrations are increasing at a rapid rate and at a level that connects us to the Crystal Realm that is powerful and profound. The Crystal Realm is on hand and eager to assist us in our evolution and healing. The time has come.
We were guided by Spirit to create a crystal healing space to complement our healing rooms at Compass Rose. We built a crystal pharmacy for healing, for ascension, and for creating joy in our lives that even we did not know was possible.
We were also told to offer crystal grid therapy to complement our hands-on healing modalities at Compass Rose. Grids are created intuitively and with the participation of the client. They are left at Compass Rose in a sacred space where the grids "gestate" and are infused with additional energies and crystals until client returns for a follow-up healing session. A piece of "you" is here at Compass Rose developing and evolving while you integrate your healings and intentions and living your daily lives between sessions. It really is beautiful and magical. It is also effective.
Our investment in crystal healings is thorough, yet will never be complete as we are led to do more and be more. Our clients can experience a variety of crystals without having to make personal investments in their own collection. Our crystal pharmacy is a modality that is combined with and complemented by our experienced Master Healers Stacia Zadra and Daniel Naccarato, and is dedicated to the ascension our clients seek with our help. We are honored to continue our service in this beautiful way.