Crystal healing Spokane

Where Science and Spirituality Meet

qest4 information QEST4 Comprehensive Assessments at Compass Rose

Our Compass Rose professionals provide coaching, mentoring and healing services for life’s challenges, including relationship, health, finances, and behavior patterns, including addictions of the most humankind. All services are provided with compassion and understanding, and experience. We’re here to help you live to your highest potential.

The individual sessions we offer here at Compass Rose can be provided as conversation and/or Reiki and additional intuitive modalities to support and transcend issues and hindrances.

We see people with ongoing emotional issues that prevent living authentically as an individual and within a relationship and/or family setting. Many of our clients experience health issues as a result of ongoing, unresolved mental and emotional complaints. The therapies we offer at Compass Rose provide solutions and transcendence regarding the difficulties we as humans naturally encounter on the road of life.

We are all conscious beings with mental, emotional, and physical challenges that can and do respond to a non-traditional, holistic approach.

Read More - Thoughts for Our Time

Stacia and Dan are more than Reiki healers. The Universal Life Source Energy channeled through their empathic natures is complemented by years of hands-on practice and client-centered sessions provided over 40 years collectively. Stacia and Dan are equally skilled to provide intuitive healings, coaching, mentoring, wisdom, and more in a safe and caring environment. All Compass Rose fee schedules are set to honor the needs of their clients and encourage their invested time and resources to ensure successful healing endeavors. Compass Rose services, healing modalities, and trainings are developed to serve everyday people living everyday lives. We welcome people of all ages facing the challenges of a changing world and individual life experiences.

More and more, I am asked what Reiki is. Reiki is a “familiar term” meaning energy healing. Like everything, Reiki can be boundaried by the healer or limitless by the healer depending on their dedication and skill level. This is how I explain the nature of Reiki: &Reiki& is Universal Life Force energy. As we integrate Source within and become Masters of our emotions, our minds and bodies, the Reiki healings are of multi-dimensional Source energy. No longer limited by 3D boundaries, healing is powerful and organic - effective and gentle.

Achieving true Reiki Mastery takes practice, devotion and an understanding of how the Universe works for us. It is Source healing at its core. Source Healing is at Compass Rose and is provided in our safe environment by our experienced healers. Source Healing trainings and support is offered to practicing healers along with practice management systems and protocol. We are each moving forward to attain personal power with self healing, energy healing and holistic empowerment as our resources for healthy mind, body, and emotions.

Compass Rose Healing Arts, Inc. Since 2010 and forever. ~~ Stacia Zadra, Master/Healer

Upcoming Classes

Guided by Ascended Master Saint Germain, the Compass Rose mystery school of light brings you in-depth and profound ascension tools taught in a community that supports like-minded individuals like you. Our classes are developed to teach you how to use these tools to release negativity, karma, and establish your position among other ascending individuals.

Come as you are and where you are on your path; we will meet you there, guide you, mentor you, and empower you as you continue your conscious evolution as an ascending human.

Wish Game Workshop

Wish® Manifestation & Co-Creation

Game and Workshop
Coming Soon!

Are you ready to break through the barriers holding you back from living your most authentic, fulfilled life? Join us for an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and manifestation through The Wish® - a revolutionary energy-based game that's transforming lives worldwide. This isn't just another workshop - it's a profound experience that helps you identify and clear the hidden blocks standing between you and your deepest desires.

sacred meditation

Connecting to Your I AM Presence

Healing Meditation
April 9 - 5pm to 7pm

Discover the power within you that is your I AM Presence that is the source energy embedded within you. Through this energy you will discover your power to attract all that you need and all that you could want with grace and ease.

Teachings, Meditation, BioCharger - Solfeggio Frequency

angelic reiki healing mastery

Renaissance Reiki for Practicing Healers

Building Your Healing Practice for the New Age
May 22nd to 24th - 9am to 5pm

Advance your Reiki practice into our New Earth and evolving world, building upon a foundation of ever-ascending frequencies, vibrations, and a solid professional platform of service and integrity. Develop essential business strategies to transform your healing practice into a professional, recognized enterprise, establishing yourself as a respected business ready to serve. We welcome all healing practitioners who feel called to elevate their practice this year, empowering their leadership role as a New Earth Healer.

Leading the Way

Our Success Story Can Be Yours

Before Compass Rose was holistic healing center or a community of spiritual seekers, it was an idea that began its formation in my home in 2006, where I taught Sacred Contracts classes and provided Reiki healing sessions. At that time I was deep into a personal transition and, though I was unclear of where I was going, I was being led by my passion to help others.

Within a year I was able to begin my practice outside of my home while continuing a consulting career in health care and maintaining a full time position within a private health care practice. Here, I secured the personal income that would allow me to build Compass Rose, A Holistic Healing Center, Inc.

Making It Happen

We can all remember the Great Recession that arrived in 2008. Looking back to 2009, I realize I moved into what would be our first Compass Rose home during a time when many people were experiencing a loss of home, health, finances and relationships. Looking back, I also know it was my passion to help others that fueled my efforts to launch a holistic healing center in a town that wasn't necessarily looking for such a service. Only in hindsight can I see that the timing was perfect.

In spite of a financial recession, Compass Rose continued to grow, and in 2013, we moved to a larger space where we are able to serve more clients and teach classes on self growth and empowerment. It became clear to me that our Spokane community was ready to search outside of customary means to take control of their lives.

Where We Are Now

Today, our clients include every day people seeking alternative and complementary means to heal chronic depression, addiction issues, relationship and financial challenges, and health crises.

Men and women alike are turning to the solutions we offer to change their lives and find peace. We work with children, teens and young adults. We enjoy athletes and entrepreneurs. We love working with professionals. While our clientele began with more women than men, we now see as many men as we do women for Angelic Reiki, Magnified Healing®, and Soul Guidance & Sacred Mentoring™ treatments.

Looking at where we are now and how far we have come, I have so much gratitude for the guidance and the support I was given to set my life's purpose into motion. Considering that Compass Rose began in my home and became its own entity during the Great Recession, the fact that this practice sits where it does today is confirmation that all things are possible.

Every day I witness forward movement and participate in the growth and expansion of people who are ready for something more. That something is available at Compass Rose, it's what we do. We pledge to continue to enhance our skills and our abilities, and to provide our awakening world with tools for healing and a path towards peace. It's time. ~ Stacia Zadra, Founder and Director