Animal Emotion Code

Healing the Emotions of Our Pets

Emotion Code for Pets

Emotions are meant to be experienced and then released. When emotions are not processed completely, they can become "trapped" within the energetic and physical bodies. It's easy to understand how a person might find themselves unable to fully process an overwhelming emotion, but how often do we stop to wonder how our pets are handling their emotions? Animals are just as at risk when it comes to trapped emotions as their human care-takers.

What makes animals so prone to unsuccessfully processed emotions? Unconditional love.

Our animal friends have the inherent ability to love us so unconditionally that they often help us carry our emotional burdens without us even knowing that they're doing it. They take on emotions that aren't naturally occurring in animals, which can cause anything from behavioral issues to severe depression and illness, and they have no way of telling us that they're feeling emotions they don't understand.

How Can We Help the Animals We Love?

Using the Emotion Code, either in direct contact with the animal or renotely, trapped emotions can be released from our beloved animal friends.