The Gifts of the Intuitive Empath
Tools, Guidance, and Promise for Intuitive Empaths
This new class and Compass Rose direction is in service to our new world and to bring the discussion around being empathic, sensitive, anxious and depressed into a new light.
Our intent is that intuitive empathy is no longer viewed as an "affliction", but as a gift that deserves refinement and mentoring.
The nature of an Empath is one that is sacred. Empaths are intuitive beings whose sensitivities can be their greatest gift. I am an Intuitive Empath and I know the journey. Our approach at Compass Rose is to empower Empaths as the sacred servants they are. Being empathic offers a skill and an opportunity to fulfill a life purpose and contribute to the healing in our world where stress, fear, and anxiety are in excess.
We teach and mentor Intuitive Empaths to refine their empathic nature, develop their skills, and become the transformers they are meant to be. What a gift to serve our sisters and brothers!
We are leading a one-day workshop to explore the nature of empathy, and of sacred service through alchemy to transform pain into joy.
This class is for the newly aware Empath, the awakened Empath, and the Intuitive Empathic Healer who is ready to use their skills in new and profound ways. Students will be guided into self awareness and acceptance, and provided with insight for moving forward. Ongoing trainings are available as well as independent coaching and mentoring by Stacia Zadra and Daniel Naccarato.
So excited to see you there!
~ Stacia Zadra, Master Healer, Intuitive Empath. Founder/Director Compass Rose Healing Arts
Upcoming Workshop
Date: TBA
Tuition: $155
We accept cash, check, credit card and paypal.
This class requires a commitment - tuition is non-refundable.

About the Mystery School of Light
Guided by Ascended Master Saint Germain, the Compass Rose mystery school of light brings you in-depth and profound ascension tools taught in a community that supports like-minded individuals like you.
Our classes are developed to teach you how to use these tools to release negativity, karma, and establish your position among other ascending individuals.
Come as you are and where you are on your path; we will meet you there, guide you, mentor you, and empower you as you continue your conscious evolution as an ascending human.